Sunday, November 16, 2014

Campaign Update & Action Alert: Nov. 16

Thanks to all of you who participated in our activities on Nov. 6, when Matt Vaughan visited from the Represent.Us nat’l headquarters office!

 9 volunteers came out to spend at least an hour or two helping us table at WWU. We got an additional 57 AACA co-sponsors, 14 of whom are also interested in volunteering on the campaign!
 14 people attended the evening workshop that Matt held.

 There are two opportunities this week to see the “Pay 2 Play” documentary about corruption from money-in-politics. Both film screenings are free & open to the public. Please let me know if you’re available to help me with tabling after either of these events:

 On the WWU campus: Wedn., 11/19, 7-9pm, in Miller Hall – rm. 239.
 At the Bellingham Public Library: Fri., 11/21, 7-9pm, in the downstairs lecture hall

 The next meeting of MTA-Whatcom will be Wedn., 12/3, 6:15-8, in the BUF Conference Room.